more than just minerals..


Prebiotics are plant fiber that act as food for “good” bacteria, which is essential for a healthy gut microbiome and proper digestion. Prebiotics also help you absorb calcium and ferment food faster, which helps avoid constipation. Prebiotics may be useful for gut diseases such as leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).*


Probiotics are the “good” bacteria in your gut that the prebiotics feed. They are living strains of bacteria that play a role in good gut health. Probiotics may help with diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and IBS. They are also being studied in their treatment for urinary tract infection, yeast infections, lactose intolerance, treating allergies and asthma.*


Antioxidants help reduce the levels of oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress contributes to aging and chronic disease development. Antioxidants help support mental health, brain health, cardiovascular health, eye health and more.*


Acquiring enough electrolytes is important for proper metabolic function, digestive health and nutrient assimilation. Electrolytes also keep the body’s hydration at optimal levels.*


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein formation. They provide the body with energy, enhance the musculoskeletal system, regulate digestion, maintain healthy weight, balance mood, produce hormones and neurotransmitters. They stimulate the growth of healthy hair, skin, and nails.*


Polyphenols contain anti-inflammatory agents. They can regulate hormone levels and help reduce levels of cortisol. They may improve cardiovascular health, maintain healthy blood circulation and pressure. They may protect your brain from aging and degenerative diseases. They may strengthen bone density and promote healthy skin while protecting from UV damage.*

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